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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

External Hemorrhoids Treatment

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What Are External Hemorrhoids Treatment
by Sandy Rowde

External hemorrhoid is one of the two types of hemorrhoids. The other one is internal hemorrhoid. Unlike internal hemorrhoids that have grown inside the anal canal, external hemorrhoids occur outside of the anal verge. This sac-like protrusion found outside the anus is often characterized by itchiness (pruritus ani), pain, irritation and swelling.

Usually, all tissue bulges or swellings outside the anal canal are called external hemorrhoids; however, there are some instances wherein internal hemorrhoids, due to its worst state, have grown terribly to the point that it protrudes until outside the anal canal (this is also known as prolapsed internal hemorrhoids).

There are various external hemorrhoids treatment. Some people are still more comfortable doing the "natural" method in treating hemorrhoids, while there are others who rely on the latest sophisticated equipment that the society has now in treating hemorrhoids.

One of the best treatment for external hemorrhoids is surgery or what is known as hemorrhoidectomy. In this surgical procedure, the swollen tissue is being scraped off using a scalpel. Patient who undergo this kind of treatment is being given an anesthesia (local or general - depending on the state of the victim). Based on testimonies of people who have undergone this kind of treatment, hemorrhoidectomy has a longer-effect despite the intense pain that was felt after the operation. Surgery is always being recommended to large-sized hemorrhoids that have already complicated to the point that it already causes so much discomfort and pain to the patient.

External hemorrhoids can also be treated through laser beam. Laser is also deemed by many as the fastest treatment among other treatments for hemorrhoids in terms of conducting the treatment procedure. Laser treatment is applicable to small and medium sizes of hemorrhoids.

Another treatment would also be rubber hand ligation. This is the most famous non-surgical external hemorrhoids treatment since this can be applicable to both small and medium sizes of hemorrhoids. In rubber band ligation procedure, a rubber band is being wrapped around the sac-like protrusion. The rubber band will serve as an instrument that will restrict the flow of blood circulation in the affected area. Lack of blood flow in the hemorrhoids will help in its shrinking, and then, to its eventual healing.

Sclerotherapy is also another possible treatment for external hemorrhoids. A certain chemical solution is being injected to the affected area which help in the shrinking of the hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoids treatment, though, is not only restricted to medical procedures. Natural means of healing and prevention can also be applied which includes:

- introducing fiber-enriched foods into the diet that can soften stools and prevent constipation. A change in the diet also includes avoidance from meaty and processed foods. It also entails the inclusion of water intake. At least eight glasses of water per day should be consumed in order to sustain the smooth flow of digestion and easy defecation.

- wearing of comfortable under wears. Avoid wearing tight-fitting under wears because this will give no room for your external hemorrhoids and might increase pressure towards it, causing more pain.

- use lukewarm water for bathing. Sitting on a tub half-filled with warm water will help reduces swelling and gives relief from pain and itchiness.

About the Author
Prevent your common hemorrhoids symptoms from getting worse! Take the right external hemorrhoids treatment to stop the itch and bleeding now!

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importance of diet to good health

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Health Conditions That a Good Fiber Diet Can Prevent
by sas_aaron.stanlich

Back in the 1940s, Dr. Denis Burkitt began to notice the importance of diet to good health. Working as a surgeon in East Africa, he rarely saw conditions, like constipation, hemorrhoids, and appendicitis, that were widespread in the Western world. He came to believe the amount of fiber, or roughage, people eat could explain why.

Fiber is the part of fruits, vegetables, and grains your body canntt digest. There are basically two kinds, both important in keeping you healthy. Soluble fiber which dissolves easily in water and becomes a soft gel in your intestines. Insoluble fiber which remains unchanged as it speeds up your food's trip through your digestive system.

In his book, Eat Right - To Stay Healthy and Enjoy Life More, published over 20 years ago, Burkitt pointed out that people in developing nations tended to eat about 60 grams of fiber a day. In Western countries, the average amount was about 20 grams.

Today fiber intake is even lower. According to the National Institutes of Health, Americans eat only 5 to 20 grams of fiber a day. If you are among those eating the lowest amounts, you fall far short of the recommended 20 to 35 grams. Many nutritionists believe you'd be healthier with the higher amounts Burkitt recommended.

10 conditions you can fight with fiber

Increasing the fiber in your diet can help you avoid these conditions - or deal with them in a healthier way.


Fiber helps improve the way your body manages insulin and glucose. That means you can lower your risk of diabetes by eating whole grains rather than refined carbohydrates. Dark rye bread, whole-wheat crackers, multi-grain bagels, and bran muffins are good choices.

Heart attacks and strokes.

The soluble fiber in foods like oatmeal, okra, and oranges helps eliminate a good deal of the cholesterol that can clog your arteries and cause a stroke or heart attack.

Constipation and hemorrhoids.

"If fiber intake were adequate, laxatives would seldom be required," said Burkitt. Apples, sweet potatoes, barley, and pinto beans provide this roughage. Burkitt thought "softage" would be a better name for fiber, because it keeps the stool moist, soft, and easy to eliminate.


"Keeping bowel content soft," said Burkitt, "seems to provide the best safeguard against the development of appendicitis." Treats like apricots and peaches are a tasty way to do this.


As your body processes fibrous foods, like peas, spinach, and corn, it tones up and strengthens your intestinal muscles. This helps prevent pouches, called diverticula, which can cause abdominal pain if they become inflamed.

Weight gain.

The best and simplest way to lose weight is to eat low-fat, lowcalorie vegetables and grains. "The more bulky fiber-rich foods you eat," said Burkitt, "the less fat you will be consuming, and vice versa." And since the fiber swells, you'll feel satisfied faster. If you have room for dessert, choose fruits like plums or strawberries.


It's probably never been imagined that navy beans, brussels spouts, and zucchini squash could improve your love life. But these fiber-filled vegetables help maintain strong blood flow to the penis by lowering your cholesterol and keeping your blood vessels unclogged. The beans, in addition, contain L-arginine, a protein that also helps improve potency.


Burkitt believed a high-fiber diet defends against colon and rectal cancers in two ways. His cultural studies showed the more animal fat in a diet, the higher the incidence of bowel cancer. Eventually, he realized that the more bulky, fiber-rich foods people eat, the less unhealthy fat they consume. Not only that, but a healthy portion of fiber speeds cancercausing compounds out of the digestive system more quickly - before they have a chance to make trouble.

Even if experts debate how all this really works, anyone who loads their plate with whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits, and vegetables will say there's no arguing with natural success.

Burkitt also considered fiber a protector against other conditions, like gallbladder disease, varicose veins, and hiatal hernia.

About the Author
Aaron Stanlich is a freelancer and writes on various articles about nutrition and health plus many other subjects.Submitted by: Super Article Submitter

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Hemorrhoid Treatment Solutions

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Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment Solutions
by Lee Dobbins

If there is one problem that can really put a damper on your enjoyment of life, it's hemorrhoids so, for those who are dealing with them, finding the right treatment can be a challenge.

Hemorrhoids are actually swollen veins situated in the anal and rectal area. Hemorrhoids are like varicose veins, but in another part of the body. In both cases, the veins stretch. This results in the inconvenient symptoms associated with hemorrhoids such as itching, burning pain and bleeding. Using drugstore solutions may not be your smartest option since they typically just relieve the symptoms and don't really treat the problem that caused the symptoms in the first place. A lot of the time these treatments don't even relive the symptoms!

Choosing a natural treatment is a safe way to get rid of symptoms and try to stop the problem at it's root cause. Herbal treatments have an extra advantage as they not only treat the symptoms but they can help treat the problem at the cause.

There are internal and external herbal medicines that are quite effective, but you also should also measures to care for the conditions cause. A few of the things you might want to address include sitting or standing for extended periods, lack of exercise,, dehydrations and lifting heavy objects. One of the most common factors is straining during defecation so you should be certain you get enough dietary fiber.

Herbs For Hemorrhoid Treatment:


Piles are another name for hemorrhoids and this herb was named for its ability to ease symptoms of this condition. It can help stop the bleeding and is also a great healing tonic for blood vessels. You can take pilewort externally or internally. Witch Hazel

This herb can help to ease the bleeding and swelling that accompanies hemorrhoids. Apply topically to the affected area. Apply 3 times daily until the problem is gone. Pine Bark And Grape Seed

The swelling of your veins is what causes hemorrhoids to be so painful and pine bark and grape seed contain anthocyanins and proanthocyanins which help with the integrity of your veins, thus keeping hemorrhoids in check. It is also possible to obtain them through increasing consumption of berries such as strawberries, blackberries and blueberries as well as cherries. Aloe Vera

The aloe plant has been used for centuries to soothe skin maladies. Use it right on the anus for soothing relief. Butcher's Broom

This healing herb is popular for it's ability to heal not only varicose veins but hemorrhoids as well. You should try to buy a treatment that has around 10% ruscogenin as that is the active ingredient in butchers broom. Take it 3 times daily until symptoms disappear.

Planning to eat healthy foods loaded with dietary fiber combined with having a healthy natural hemorrhoid treatment plan can help keep hemorrhoids at bay as well as improve your overall health.

About the Author
To learn more about natural hemorrhoid treatment please visit http://www.hemorrhoidtreatmentsolution.com/ where you can learn about what causes hemorrhoids as well as how you can get rid of them forever!

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