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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thrombosed Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

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Thrombosed Prolapsed Hemorrhoids - Treatments and Causes
by Donald Urquhart

Definition and Cause:
Thrombosed hemorrhoids are mainly internal hemorrhoids that have prolapsed - come out of - our bottoms, the muscles clamp down hard to seal the area off - which is what they are suppose to do - thereby sometimes reducing the blood flow out of the hemorrhoid. When this blood flow out becomes restricted, you may end up with a very painful thrombosed hemorrhoid - a hemorrhoid that lets the blood in, but cant get the blood out as fast. So it swells with blood, the blood develops a clot within it, and the haemorrhoid becomes bluish in color.

Surgical Treatment:
Based on research from the French national research centre - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - thrombosed hemorrhoids are best treated by surgery. A simple inject, slice and squeeze:
Inject the adrenaline anesthetic into the hemorrhoid, which both deadens the area to pain and coagulates the blood in the hemorrhoid - this stings at first. Slice the offending hemorrhoid open and squeeze the coagulated blood out. If the hemorrhoid was particularly large as the result of the thrombosis, it can take several minutes for all the contents to be squeezed out, but at this point, you shouldn't feel a thing. In fact, when you walk out the door, you will be pain free and should have no further pain from a thrombosed hemorrhoid - this is one very simple surgery that results in substantial pain reduction immediately.
The recurrence of a thrombosed hemorrhoid is quite low once it has been dealt with by the knife.
Non-surgical Treatment:
If the thrombosed hemorrhoid is not too bad, the doctor may suggest you use the old tried and true method of sitting in a warm sitz bath, essentially a nice warm bath with a bit of salt / epsom salts or similar thrown in to sterilise and prevent hemorrhoid infection, as well as calm the affliction. The warm water helps the area to relax and for the blood vessels to open more, thereby allowing the blood to flow back out. If it works, your hemorrhoid pain should lessen markedly, if not completely.

The down side of this home remedy, is that the thrombosed hemorrhoid may return. The sitz bath may be seen as a cure, in that the hemorrhoid has the blood let back out of it and the symptoms abate. Regrettably, the sitz bath may not be a long acting cure for some; once the hemorrhoid comes back out, there is a risk of it becoming thrombosed again.

Personal Experience and Other Information:
Due to the high pain often generated by a thrombosed hemorrhoid, anything short of immediate relief is not likely to be something you'll be prepared to wait round for. From my perspective, as someone who has suffered with a thrombosed hemorrhoid, the inject, slice and squeeze technique is best. Mine was conducted in the local hospital as an emergency out patient. Never had a recurrence, never want to. No other hemorrhoid pain compares to it.
Finally, discuss the hemorrhoid information you find here with your health care professional, to make sure the information is suitable in your situation.

About the Author
For the several years, Donald Urquhart has helped 1000's of hemorrhoid sufferers from around the world to better understand and treat their hemorrhoids, as well as to avoid.

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more fiber into your diet

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Natural Treatment for Hemorrhoids
by Donald Urquhart

1. Introduce more fiber into your diet.
Fiber is extremely good at relieving constipation - the main cause of hemorrhoids - and fiber is well renown for preventing them and alleviating their symptoms. Fiber does this by bulking the stool and making it soft, so that the body can eliminate it without much straining.
In a very high fiber diet for hemorrhoids you may be asked by your doctor to consume as much as 3.5 ounces or 96 grams of fiber a day, to keep your body healthy and balanced. A high fiber diet, that is normally sufficient for a hemorrhoid suffer is about one third that dose - 31 grams or one ounce.
Fiber preferably is to be taken via fresh fruits, whole grain foods, and beans. If you notice that your body is letting off too much gas, this may be the result of increasing the fiber in your diet too quickly. Just cut back on the amount of fiber and gradually increase it over time.
Now, one question you may ask, is how much extra fiber is that over what I am getting already in my diet? The answer is, if you are eating white bread, you are likely on a diet that has a meagre 11 grams of fiber per today, but the good news is, that means you only need to add in an extra 20 grams! That's about 3 to 4 large apples / oranges.
Using a food table to work out the fiber in the foods you like, you can also see if there are any foods that stand out as worthwhile.
Still can't adjust your diet to get enough fiber, then try fiber supplements. They work out to be about $20 to $40 a month, but compare that to the cost and inconvenience of a hemorrhoid operation that may run thousands of dollars and leave you in pain and discomfort for weeks. Powdered psyllium husks are a good option.

2.Drink water
You may know the drill already, sixty-four ounces of water daily, about 8 glasses. This helps the fiber in your diet, as it allows the fiber to do it's job - the fiber soaks up the water, thereby bulking the stool. Without water, the fiber may cause even worse constipation. It is best to take the water straight, but not essential.

Walking is good, bicycling better. Walking or bicycling quickly for 30 minutes, three to four times a week, improves one's overall health, but, more importantly, it helps get the intestines stronger and healthier, allowing for the bowel motions to be moved more easily out, without all that straining on the toilet.

4. Bowel training
Essentially go to the toilet at the same convenient time every day. Sit for about five minutes in the toileting posture ( feet raised on ball of feet, elbows resting on knees). Let your body become accustomed to this timing and hopefully, you will start doing your business on a regular daily basis, at about the same time every day.
This can help train your bowel to empty on a daily basis, which can help reduce the incidence of constipation

General guidelines: Do not force. Do not sit for much more than five minutes. If nothing happens, try again tomorrow. If the urge hits at a different time - GO! - otherwise you may cause yourself more hemorrhoid problems.

Hemorrhoids afflict millions every year. They are painful, uncomfortable, basically unbearable. The simple natural treatment for hemorrhoids above, can go along way to bring an end to your suffering.

About the Author
Donald Urquhart and his writers, write extensively on various health topics, including hemorrhoids how to attain natural relief for hemorrhoids quickly, and everything to do with.

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Thrombosed Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

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Thrombosed Prolapsed Hemorrhoids - Treatments and Causes
by Donald Urquhart

Definition and Cause:
Thrombosed hemorrhoids are mainly internal hemorrhoids that have prolapsed - come out of - our bottoms, the muscles clamp down hard to seal the area off - which is what they are suppose to do - thereby sometimes reducing the blood flow out of the hemorrhoid. When this blood flow out becomes restricted, you may end up with a very painful thrombosed hemorrhoid - a hemorrhoid that lets the blood in, but cant get the blood out as fast. So it swells with blood, the blood develops a clot within it, and the haemorrhoid becomes bluish in color.

Surgical Treatment:
Based on research from the French national research centre - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - thrombosed hemorrhoids are best treated by surgery. A simple inject, slice and squeeze:
Inject the adrenaline anesthetic into the hemorrhoid, which both deadens the area to pain and coagulates the blood in the hemorrhoid - this stings at first. Slice the offending hemorrhoid open and squeeze the coagulated blood out. If the hemorrhoid was particularly large as the result of the thrombosis, it can take several minutes for all the contents to be squeezed out, but at this point, you shouldn't feel a thing. In fact, when you walk out the door, you will be pain free and should have no further pain from a thrombosed hemorrhoid - this is one very simple surgery that results in substantial pain reduction immediately.
The recurrence of a thrombosed hemorrhoid is quite low once it has been dealt with by the knife.
Non-surgical Treatment:
If the thrombosed hemorrhoid is not too bad, the doctor may suggest you use the old tried and true method of sitting in a warm sitz bath, essentially a nice warm bath with a bit of salt / epsom salts or similar thrown in to sterilise and prevent hemorrhoid infection, as well as calm the affliction. The warm water helps the area to relax and for the blood vessels to open more, thereby allowing the blood to flow back out. If it works, your hemorrhoid pain should lessen markedly, if not completely.
The down side of this home remedy, is that the thrombosed hemorrhoid may return. The sitz bath may be seen as a cure, in that the hemorrhoid has the blood let back out of it and the symptoms abate. Regrettably, the sitz bath may not be a long acting cure for some; once the hemorrhoid comes back out, there is a risk of it becoming thrombosed again.

Personal Experience and Other Information:
Due to the high pain often generated by a thrombosed hemorrhoid, anything short of immediate relief is not likely to be something you'll be prepared to wait round for. From my perspective, as someone who has suffered with a thrombosed hemorrhoid, the inject, slice and squeeze technique is best. Mine was conducted in the local hospital as an emergency out patient. Never had a recurrence, never want to. No other hemorrhoid pain compares to it.
Finally, discuss the hemorrhoid information you find here with your health care professional, to make sure the information is suitable in your situation.

About the Author
For the several years, Donald Urquhart has helped 1000's of hemorrhoid sufferers from around the world to better understand and treat their hemorrhoids, as well as to avoid.

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Internal and External Hemorrhoids

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Internal and External Hemorrhoids
by Donald Urquhart

Hemorrhoids come in two basic kinds, internal and external.
Internal hemorrhoids are actually on the hemorrhoidal cushions, inside the anal canal, and you generally don't know that they're there until either they start bleeding or they prolapse, which means to poke outside the body.
Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids are a very, very bad thing, especially if they won't stay inside the body after a bowel movement, because the powerful anal sphincter can strangulate them and start causing them to go gangrenous.
However, most internal hemorrhoids are the garden variety that will subside on their own if treated properly, and, as a bonus, they generally don't hurt badly as they're in a part of the body without many nerves.
External hemorrhoids, which occur on the outside of the body, are a whole different matter in the pain department. They don't occur on the hemorrhoidal cushions themselves, but rather on the veins that run below them before going back up to the heart.
What they do occur on, however, is the extremely sensitive and dense band of nerves that serves to keep the anal sphincter closed. For this reason, external hemorrhoids can make anyone's life absolutely miserable.
Itchiness, pain and bleeding are all symptoms of hemorrhoids, as is an occasional mucus discharge from the general inflammation of the area.
Why is this important to know?
The home treatment you choose is highly dependent on the type of hemorrhoid you have.
External hemorrhoids can be treated by a whole of different creams and solutions that can be easily applied.

Internal hemorrhoids cannot be treated so easily, as placing the cream or solution into your rectum, or onto a prolapsed hemorrhoid, means you are placing it on the digestive membranes - the mucus membranes.
Anything placed on the digestive membranes is far more quickly and far more readily absorbed by the body. So a cream strong enough to take out an external hemorrhoid, is considered way overpowered for an internal or prolapsed one.
In fact, the risks are so great that NO drug company has succeeded in making a cream which the FDA considers safe for human use.
Think about it, would you consider swallowing the hemorrhoid cream or solution? No you wouldn't and there are probably warnings about taking it by mouth. Sticking it into your bottom is almost the same as putting it into your mouth.
Why are prolapsed ones included with internal hemorrhoids, when they are hanging outside?
The reason is that the prolapsed ones are covered by the same mucous lining as the internal ones are and, it's the mucous lining that absorbs things so very well.
Treatments for both types:
Of course, there are some treatments, such as sitz baths, that can be used for both internal and external ones. Such treatments do not rely on being absorbed in any way, but instead work by relaxing muscles and increasing blood flow.
Tablets are more a long term attempt at treating hemorrhoids. The idea is that they strengthen and rebuild the veins, while providing a strong pain killers. Such tablets tend be herbal in nature and use herbs like butchers broom.
In conclusion:
To conclude, finding out what type of hemorrhoid problem you have, is absolutely necessary to properly and safely deal with your hemorrhoids.
Anything that claims to treat an external hemorrhoid, is expected to be too powerful for use on an internal one, while any cream or lotion designed for an internal one, is likely to be too low in active ingredients for an external one.

About the Author
Donald Urquhart is both a chief editor and writer who works extensively on several health related web sites. Hemorrhoids is one of those interests. So if you have internal hemorrhoids.

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Internal and External Hemorrhoids

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Internal and External Hemorrhoids
by Donald Urquhart

Hemorrhoids come in two basic kinds, internal and external.
Internal hemorrhoids are actually on the hemorrhoidal cushions, inside the anal canal, and you generally don't know that they're there until either they start bleeding or they prolapse, which means to poke outside the body.
Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids are a very, very bad thing, especially if they won't stay inside the body after a bowel movement, because the powerful anal sphincter can strangulate them and start causing them to go gangrenous.
However, most internal hemorrhoids are the garden variety that will subside on their own if treated properly, and, as a bonus, they generally don't hurt badly as they're in a part of the body without many nerves.
External hemorrhoids, which occur on the outside of the body, are a whole different matter in the pain department. They don't occur on the hemorrhoidal cushions themselves, but rather on the veins that run below them before going back up to the heart.
What they do occur on, however, is the extremely sensitive and dense band of nerves that serves to keep the anal sphincter closed. For this reason, external hemorrhoids can make anyone's life absolutely miserable.
Itchiness, pain and bleeding are all symptoms of hemorrhoids, as is an occasional mucus discharge from the general inflammation of the area.
Why is this important to know?
The home treatment you choose is highly dependent on the type of hemorrhoid you have.
External hemorrhoids can be treated by a whole of different creams and solutions that can be easily applied.

Internal hemorrhoids cannot be treated so easily, as placing the cream or solution into your rectum, or onto a prolapsed hemorrhoid, means you are placing it on the digestive membranes - the mucus membranes.
Anything placed on the digestive membranes is far more quickly and far more readily absorbed by the body. So a cream strong enough to take out an external hemorrhoid, is considered way overpowered for an internal or prolapsed one.
In fact, the risks are so great that NO drug company has succeeded in making a cream which the FDA considers safe for human use.
Think about it, would you consider swallowing the hemorrhoid cream or solution? No you wouldn't and there are probably warnings about taking it by mouth. Sticking it into your bottom is almost the same as putting it into your mouth.
Why are prolapsed ones included with internal hemorrhoids, when they are hanging outside?
The reason is that the prolapsed ones are covered by the same mucous lining as the internal ones are and, it's the mucous lining that absorbs things so very well.
Treatments for both types:
Of course, there are some treatments, such as sitz baths, that can be used for both internal and external ones. Such treatments do not rely on being absorbed in any way, but instead work by relaxing muscles and increasing blood flow.
Tablets are more a long term attempt at treating hemorrhoids. The idea is that they strengthen and rebuild the veins, while providing a strong pain killers. Such tablets tend be herbal in nature and use herbs like butchers broom.
In conclusion:
To conclude, finding out what type of hemorrhoid problem you have, is absolutely necessary to properly and safely deal with your hemorrhoids.
Anything that claims to treat an external hemorrhoid, is expected to be too powerful for use on an internal one, while any cream or lotion designed for an internal one, is likely to be too low in active ingredients for an external one.

About the Author
Donald Urquhart is both a chief editor and writer who works extensively on several health related web sites. Hemorrhoids is one of those interests. So if you have internal hemorrhoids.

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Bleeding Hemorrhoids

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Bleeding Hemorrhoids
by Donald Urquhart

So, what causes bleeding hemorrhoids?
Typically, if the hemorrhoid is inside and bleeding, then it has been more than likely scratched by a hard stool passing through, or very rough and hard toilet wiping.
If the hemorrhoid is outside and bleeding, it's likely cause is wiping too hard, or too long, or using a very hard toilet paper - or any combination of those. The hemorrhoid is scratched and grazed in the process, so it's normally pretty painful and uncomfortable as well.
The third type of bleeding hemorrhoid is an external hemorrhoid that's bleeding. Now an external hemorrhoid is different to a prolapsed hemorrhoid. Whereas a prolapsed one is an internal hemorrhoid that has come out, an external hemorrhoid is one that exists solely on the outside - it's a ballooned blood vessel that has occurred outside the anus, but is still reasonably close to it. These hemorrhoids are typically felt as a hard lump under the skin, that wont go away.
When external hemorrhoids bleed, it's normally because you have significantly damaged the skin over it or them, e.g. by bashing repeatedly when riding a bike with a small narrow seat, or hard rubbing with toilet paper.
Anyway, the basic understanding of bleeding hemorrhoids, is that they are your every day, ordinary and typical hemorrhoids that have been damaged - scratched and grazed. As hemorrhoids are very bloated with blood, you can easily get blood coming out of them when they are damaged.
I know one war veteran who contracted malaria when he was overseas back in the second world war. The malaria affected his liver, so he was unable to have a hemorrhoidectomy to remove the hemorrhoids, as when the liver is damaged, operations can become quite dangerous. However, if you looked in the toilet bowl after he had used it, it would be covered in blood - lots of blood. Not a pretty sight and it made one realise just how anaemic - lacking in iron - one could become from having uncontrolled hemorrhoid bleeding. From this perspective, bleeding hemorrhoids, although not much to be concerned about normally, could end up causing other health complaints that are far worse than all their discomfort and pain.

So, what is the treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids?

Internal hemorrhoids that are NOT prolapsed, can have their bleeding stopped or controlled by increasing dietary fibre - either through food or supplements - just remember to consume water with the fibre source, so that the fibre can soak up the water, thereby causing the stool to become quite bulky and soft. Having a soft bulky stool is far less likely to cause bleeding and should give the hemorrhoids a chance to heal up from their scratches and grazes.
Using gentle wiping, a soft toilet paper or wet face cloth can also go along way to lessening the symptoms, particularly if the hemorrhoids are poking through or external.
There are also operations you can have to remove those hemorrhoids, essential oils and herbs that can either be applied or taken orally - follow the directions on the container.

About the Author
Donald writes considerably about hemorrhoids, and knows that bleeding hemorrhoids can be quite frightening. He also writes about many.

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